Thursday, 15 May 2014


This morning, over breakfast, I read a fascinating article in the recent VoxPoint newsletter about homosexuality and what is known as reparative therapy. A significant number of gays are seeking help to change because they are desperately unhappy in the homosexual lifestyle. Reparative therapy is a controversial psychological treatment aimed at helping such people to alter their sexual orientation.

The therapy is controversial because, if sexual orientation can change, then most of the propaganda from the gay lobby is summarily discredited. To say that “we were born this way” implies that we all must accept homosexuality as a normal, perhaps even God-given, state. The dogma that one is born either hetero or homo suits the agenda of the gay lobby.

The VoxPoint article mentioned a prominent American psychiatrist, Dr Robert Spitzer, who was professionally intimidated over several years because he published a major study showing that homosexual orientation could be changed. That was apparently an unacceptable conclusion, despite the evidence that he carefully presented.

Then I read on Facebook about a certain Professor Bengtsson who changed his mind about climate change and suddenly experienced rejection and intimidation from the academic community to which he had belonged all his working life. The negative pressure was so great that he became concerned even for his physical health.

Then, in my daily Bible reading, the next chapter to read was Acts 4 and I saw the same thing. Verse 2 talks of people “being greatly disturbed that [the apostles] taught the people and preached in Jesus the resurrection from the dead.” It was an uncomfortable truth because they thought they had gotten rid of Jesus and His teachings.

What was their response? Threats and intimidation. Same response as we see today when people speak out a truth that upsets certain apple carts. To me, resorting to such tactics is evidence of intellectual bankruptcy and insecurity. If some idea or ideology is wrong, counter it with truth, not with threats.

Praise God the apostles spoke up boldly, refusing to obey man rather than God. May all God’s people have such boldness!

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