Monday 11 November 2013


Hannah was greatly loved by her husband but she was barren (1 Sam 1:5). The Lord had not given her any children. A mother’s heart cannot be satisfied, even with a double portion of worldly goods, if there is no child to love.

Hannah had a rival because her husband had another wife, one who bore children. So Hannah was deeply grieved and wept in prayer continually. Her desire was strong and she was willing to devote the child that would be born wholly to God. She would claim no ownership over the child she so desperately wanted.

Even being accused of drunkenness (1:14-16) by the priest did not overly concern Hannah because her desire was so strong. And it all came to pass according to the prophetic word spoken over her by Eli (1:17). She had a son, Samuel, and he was dedicated to the Lord after a few years of nurturing and weaning (1:21-24).

Hannah shows us a mother’s heart but we can also see something of a soulwinner’s heart in her. She knew she was loved (ie, by God) but yearned passionately for fruitfulness (ie, souls). When we see various sports, hobbies and social causes recruiting people by the hundreds, do we feel provoked? Does it make us even more determined to win the lost for Jesus?

Hannah wept and laboured in prayer for this goal (see Ps 126:5,6). When her prayer was answered, she carefully and lovingly nurtured the child (discipleship) and then released him for God’s service, but still keeping in touch on a regular basis.

May we have the same passion for souls that Hannah had for children! Even as God blessed Hannah with other sons and daughters (1 Sam 2:21) may the Lord bring other souls to those who have soul-winner’s hearts.

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