Wednesday, 18 December 2013


The Christmas story has always captured our imagination. And no wonder. The coming of Jesus into the world is the defining event of all history. But a beloved story such as this, told and retold over vast centuries, in varying nations and cultures, is likely to attract embellishments.

Most people these days know that the gospel never specifies how many Magi came to see the baby Jesus. We assume there were three because three gifts were mentioned. We also understand that the “wise men” came to a house rather than a stable (Matt 2:11) and that the visit occurred some considerable time after Jesus had been born.

But Kenneth E Bailey, in his book “Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes”, questions other aspects of the popular version of the nativity story.

Luke 2:6 says that, while Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem, “the days were completed for her to be delivered.” This seems to suggest that the birth wasn’t as urgent as is often portrayed.

Also, when Luke writes (2:7) that there was no room “in the inn”, he does not use the word for a commercial inn, pandocheion, as in the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:34). Instead, he uses the word kataluma, which simply means a lodging place or guest chamber.

Bailey makes the point that typical middle eastern homes, then and even now in some places, would often have one main room, a guest room, and an attached section into which the family would bring their ox or donkey at night. Jesus may well have referred to this in Luke 13:15, when He said: “Does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or donkey from the stall, and lead it away to water it?” In other words, you bring your animals out to water every day, including the Sabbath. Apparently, no-one in the synagogue that day was able to deny Jesus His point.

By the way, the word for ‘stall’ in 13:15 is phatne, the same word that is used for ‘manger’ in Luke 2:7. The manger, where Jesus was laid was thus more likely part of the house where Mary and Joseph were being lodged. And incidentally, there is no mention in the Bible account of a stable.

The picture we are left with is that Mary and Joseph would have been staying with relatives, but not in their kataluma guest room, which would have been already full. According to Bailey, it would be unthinkable for a descendant of David, coming to David’s home town, would be denied basic hospitality among relatives.

Does any of this change the importance and relevance of the Christmas story? Not at all, but it does remove some of the sentimentality of the common version we hear. The point is that God sent His Son into the world to save us.

Emmanuel, God is with us.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


First, an apology. This post, by its very nature, is much, much longer than normal. Perhaps one day I will get around to publishing my Isaiah sermons in book form. I have previously shared the following in various contexts but it seemed appropriate to share it here as well.

In Isaiah, we find four special passages which have come to be known as the Servant Songs.  They are found in 42:1-6, 49:1-6, 50:4-9 and 52:13-53:12.  (It would have been better if chapter 53 had started three verses earlier!)

There are 66 chapters in Isaiah and I found 66 facts about Jesus in the four Servant Songs. Here they are, roughly in order of fulfilment. If this isn’t testimony to the inspired brilliance of the Bible, I don’t know what is!

What do we know about God’s Servant (Jesus) from Isaiah’s Servant songs?
1.        He is God’s Servant – 42:1, 49:3,5,6, 52:13, 53:11 (Matt 12:18, Phil 2:7)
2.        The Chosen One – 42:1 (1 Pet 2:4)
3.        In whom God’s very soul delights – 42:1 (Matt 3:17, 17:5)
4.        He was called by God from the womb – 49:1,5 (Luke 1:31)
5.        He was righteous and called in righteousness – 42:6, 53:11 (Heb 1:9)
6.        He represented Israel – 49:3
7.        And His commission was to bring Israel back to God – 49:5 (John 11:52)
8.        He was given as a covenant to the peoples – 42:6 (Matt 26:28)
9.        And as a light to the nations – 42:6, 49:6 (Acts 26:23)
10.      He brought justice to the nations (NLT) – 42:1,3,4 (Matt 12:18)
11.      And was, in Himself, God’s salvation to the ends of the earth – 49:6 (Acts 13:47)
12.        When He was growing up, He did not appear unusual in any way – 53:2 (Mark 6:3)
13.      But God placed His Spirit upon Him – 42:1 (Matt 3:16)
14.      He awakened each morning to God’s Word – 50:4
15.      And His speech was with all the wisdom and learning of God – 50:4 (Luke 4:22, John 7:46)
16.      His mouth was like a sharpened sword or arrow, initially concealed – 49:2 (Rev 19:15)
17.      He was gentle, not shouting in public – 42:2 (Matt 12:16-20)
18.      He wouldn’t crush the weak or quench the smallest hope (NLT) – 42:3
19.      He encouraged the weary – 50:4 (Matt 11:28)
20.      He was never violent to anyone – 53:9 (Heb 7:26)
21.      Nor did He deceive anyone – 53:9 (1 Pet 2:22)
22.      He could have been discouraged by His apparent lack of success – 49:4 (John 1:11)
23.      But he committed the reward and results of His ministry to God – 49:4 (1 Pet 2:23)
24.      So He was upheld and strengthened (NLT) by God – 42:1,6 49:5
25.      The Lord helped Him and held His hand – 42:6, 50:7,9
26.      So that He did not fail or become discouraged – 42:4 (Heb 12:2)
27.      He was glorious in the sight of God – 49:5 (Matt 17:5)
28.      He set Himself with determination to fulfil all God’s will – 50:7 (Luke 9:51)
29.      And achieved success through His wise dealings – 52:13
30.      He did not rebel against God’s instructions – 50:5 (Heb 5:8)
31.      Nor did He turn away from God’s will – 50:5 (Heb 10:7)
32.      He was despised and rejected by men – 53:3 (Matt 27:39-44)
33.      Acquainted with sorrow and grief – 53:3,10 (Matt 26:37,38)
34.      He remained silent before His accusers – 53:7 (Matt 26:63, 27:12)
35.      He was denied natural justice – 53:8 (Matt 25:65,66)
36.      He gave His back to those who would beat Him – 50:6 (Matt 27:26)
37.      He was struck on the face – 50:6 (Luke 22:64)
38.      He was spat upon – 50:6 (Matt 26:67)
39.      Yet He was not ashamed or confounded (NLT) in His trials – 50:7
40.      He went meekly to His death, like a lamb – 53:7 (Acts 8:32)
41.      He was numbered with transgressors (two thieves) – 53:12 (Mark 15:28)
42.      He was smitten by God, bruised and afflicted – 53:3,7,10
43.      People were astonished at Him – 52:14 (Matt 7:28, 27:14)
44.      His appearance was marred more than any man (NLT - so disfigured one would scarcely know he was a person) – 52:14
45.      He bore our griefs and pains in His own body – 53:4 (1 Pet 2:24)
46.      He was wounded for our transgressions – 53:5,8 (Heb 9:12-15)
47.      His punishment brought peace for us – 53:5 (Rom 5:8-10)
48.      And His stripes (from being whipped) were for our healing – 53:5 (1 Pet 2:24)
49.      The iniquities of all God’s people were laid on Him – 53:6,11 (Tit 2:14)
50.      He ‘sprinkled’ many nations with His cleansing blood – 52:15 (1 Pet 1:2)
51.      He justified many – 53:11 (Rom 5:19)
52.      And accomplished all God’s purpose – 53:10 (John 6:37-40)
53.      God was and is glorified through Him – 49:3 (John 13:32)
54.      He was cut off from the living – 53:8 (Matt 27:50)
55.      Pouring out His soul unto death – 53:12 (Heb 2:9)
56.      He was buried like a criminal (NLT) – 53:9
57.      And placed in a rich man’s grave (NLT) – 53:9 (John 19:38-42)
58.      But He prolonged His days (ie. He was resurrected) – 53:10 (Acts 13:30, Rev 1:18)
59.      He lived to see His descendants (all those who accept Him as their offering for sin) – 53:10 (Heb 12:2)
60.      He was satisfied with what He had accomplished (salvation for the multitudes) – 53:11 (John 16:21)
61.      He was rewarded with great honour – 53:12 (Phil 2:9)
62.      And exalted very highly – 52:13 (Phil 2:9,10)
63.      Kings were silenced before Him – 52:15
64.      Distant lands beyond the sea waited for His teachings (NLT) – 42:4, cf 49:1 (Acts 28:22)
65.      He caused the nations to see and understand new truth – 52:15 (Rom 15:20,21)
66.      And He made intercession for the transgressors – 53:12 (Luke 23:34, Rom 8:34, Heb 7:25)

(Note: feel free to share this, but with due acknowledgement, please.)